
Faith, Food and frompancaketopeach

Scripture Sunday: When You Don’t Know What To Do, Pray

1 minute



(Yes, it’s Monday, but better late than never!)

I love that about prayer, it’s not biased.

Whether you’re ecstatically happy or devastatingly upset, you can always pray.

And we have all been in those situations, the situations that made us glad, or sad, or somewhere in between, and we just didn’t know what to do.

And in those situations, the best thing to do is pray. sunset-1873050__340.jpg

Praise Him when you are happy, feeling lucky, and reminded how blessed you are. Cry it out if you have to and wait for calm and peace from Him, when the world around you is causing you anything but. (I read a meme this weekend that said our tears are prayers for when we cannot speak, and I LOVE that.)

Whatever it is and whatever you feel, know that it’s always a good time for prayer.

If you’re reading this, I want to pray for you.

Dear God, Please remind us that anytime is a good time to come into prayer. We are so lucky to have You to come to, to help us get through anything, and everything tough in this world. We are so happy to praise You in the good times. We want to be reminded that You have a plan for us, and to pray always, no matter what the circumstances are. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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