
Faith, Food and frompancaketopeach

Self-Care for Positivity

4 minutes


As an immensely emotional girl, there are times when I’m on the verge of tears, all day. Not everyday, but some days. Whether it’s timing related, situational, or something else, we all have those days sometimes.

So what do you do? How do you get out of it? How do you overcome? I’ll tell you.

Self-care, and often. Take care of your head, and your heart, first. Whether you feel bad, good, or indifferent in the morning, do what you can to feel your best, it can only help.

Here’s how:

Consider Taking St. Johns Wort

St. Johns Wort is known for helping regulate and elevate mood. The bottle I have lists the dosage as three times daily with food. When I take it, I take two, once a day, and not usually with food. (Doesn’t irritate an empty stomach.) PLEASE make sure to check this against anything else you’re taking.

Call it placebo effect, or say it works, either way, I feel better.

Use Essential Oilsroller-balls

Oils have truly changed my life. I have replaced several OTC products, and use them around the house for other things every day. And self-care is no different.

For everyone, lavender is great. Whether you diffuse it, dab it on your wrist for the scent, or it’s part of a blend, this oil is calming, and will truly relax you.

As a woman, (with debilitating monthly cramps, PMS, and more,) Progressence Plus has literally changed these issues for the better. I take it everyday for two weeks in between cycles, and the week before, I take it only about every other day. I stop the week of, and will start taking it again as my time wears towards the end. This oil calms cramps, shortens my cycle, and helps two fold with the emotional aspect. I can’t speak better about it, but again, please do what works best for you and make sure to check any drug interactions

For guys who need a (natural) testosterone boost, Idaho Blue Spruce is the oil to use. I also formulated another testosterone mixture that is good for influencing fertility, raising testosterone levels, and overall men’s wellness. The Idaho Blue Spruce and the mixture were both enough to raise testosterone levels from too low to in range, according to a blood test. So they truly work and are a natural way to influence and help the body raise these levels on its own.


Walk, stretch, do yoga, or visit the gym, whatever it is, do something! Staying active and moving everyday allows your body to create feel good hormones that can positively influence your mood, and therefore, your whole day.

Eat WellIMG_20170610_153508

Sometimes when you “feel bad” it makes you want to “eat bad.” Don’t give in! Your body needs the minerals and vitamins from whole, nutritious foods to fuel your life. Eating fruits, vegetables, and homemade meals will make you feel the best you can. It will help you prepare mentally, with a clear head, and a belly full of nutrition.

Go Outside

Whether it’s cold, hot, or pouring down rain, do what you can to get outside. If you only have 5 minutes for a quick walk around the block, do it. Breathe deep, clear your mind, look at the foliage. This will calm you and reinvigorate your system, more than you may know. Want to go a step further? Smell a flower and touch it’s leaves. Use your senses to get back to what really matters, experiencing life, if only for a moment.

Life can be exhausting, and hard but you can push through it! And if not, fake it til you make it because the best is yet to come. Happy weekend all!

Like this article? Give my wellness book a look! It’s filled with tips for people on the go, from eating right, to moving enough, and wellness ideas to help you stay grounded. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I use Young Living Essential Oils and based on my research, I believe these are the best, safest, and most pure oils on the market. PLEASE do your own research and determine which oils are best for you and your family. 

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