
Faith, Food and frompancaketopeach

Putting a Tolerance Test, to the Test

3 minutes


A girl I follow on Instagram was talking about this allergy and intolerance test that she took, and it got me thinking. I realized I really wanted to do it and I started to put in some research.

She did the famed Pinnertest and with just a finger prick of blood, found out what her body tolerated, and what it didn’t. Turns out there are lots of tests out there that do this, and I wanted to get my hands on one, too.

Who wouldn’t want to know what their body does and doesn’t react to. At the very least, you’d be able to make an informed decision about what you’re eating and consuming, and how its affecting you. Never forget, knowledge is power.

When I googled allergy tests, Groupon came up and I was interested right away. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know how I feel about a great Groupon deal.

The test is called Identallergy. There are two tests, one tests for 750+ different food and environmental intolerances and the other tests for those,  plus gives you a Genetic Nutrition test. The first cost $39 and the second, $59. We opted for the total test.

I love that it tests for so many different factors that could be affecting your health. I’m all about preventative wellness, and this is such a great way to keep moving forward in health.

Here’s what happened:

  • First, I found it on Groupon and bought it. Right on the voucher, there’s a link to go and “register.” Super easy and took only minutes.
  • Next, the packet and information was sent right to my door. There were instructions, steps, tips, two long cotton swabs, and two specimen envelopes along with one larger preadressed envelope.
  • The test was easy to do and out the door in no time. First, right away in the morning, I swabbed my cheeks, one cheek per cotton swab, for the allotted 10-15 seconds and I put them carefully into the envelope.
  • For the next part, I needed help. You have to send in some of your hair and it needs to be IMG_20171126_072615enough hair that it looks about the diameter of a pencil eraser. I thought that this would leave a bald spot (especially for my husband’s short hair) and I didn’t like the idea of cutting any of mine, but, no fear, it worked out great.

(I took hair from an inconspicuous place and you can’t even see where we cut Nick’s (and we even did his in two separate places just to be sure we had enough!)

  • So I sent them out, and that’s that. We are supposed to have results in our email inbox in 14-21 days and I really can’t wait to see what they say!

I’m really hoping my results relate to how I’ve cared for myself over the years, but if not and I need to do something different, now’s as good a time as any to start!

Have you done any testing like this? Either way, it’s good to know what your body tolerates and likes, so that you can feel your best. Results coming soon!

Wellness is really important to me and preventative wellness is easy and makes such a positive difference in your health life. Have you checked out my wellness book?

One response to “Putting a Tolerance Test, to the Test”

  1. Nice post

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