
Faith, Food and frompancaketopeach

I Miss you Gram, but my Newest Book, it’s for you

1 minute


At the end of last year when my Gram passed, I had just released my very first book.  I was never able to share it with her but she knew it was in the works. And she loved it, the idea of it, and knowing how happy I’d be writing it.

I was one of the lucky ones. When she died, it goes without saying, that I was sad. But I was also grateful. For her struggle to be over, and because I really felt close with her, and I knew that wouldn’t change.Screenshot_20170718-093934

I was glad to have taken the time I did with her. I was glad to have kept in touch with her. And even though I knew I wouldn’t get a (paper) response, nothing felt better than writing to her, snail mail style, and sharing my life.

My Gram survived my other grandparents by two decades and I knew that was something to cherish.

This book, my third, is a summer sweets book. I wish she could see it. It’s hard not sharing my cookbooks with her, she would love them. Especially this one.

Gram loved her sweets, she would choose it in place of dinner or at least want it first. I dedicated this book to her, and she will forever remain a part of my cooking inspiration.

Enjoy these recipes from the book: Honey Sweetened Skillet Pineapple and Lime Angel Food Poke Cake

The book is free to view July 19th, 20th, and 21st! Just click on the image and it will take you to the link!

And if you like these recipes, check out my other books too!



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