
Faith, Food and frompancaketopeach

Do These Three Things More To Stay Healthy During The Holidays

2 minutes


Listen, we all indulge around the holidays. What else are they meant for?

Just kidding. Jesus is the reason for the season. And friends and family are the back bone of life. But the food, festivities, and holiday activities are amazing and we want to celebrate them and enjoy them!
There are things you can do to be the healthiest you can be, even with constant parties, food everywhere, sweets at every turn, and decadent and delicious holiday dinners.
Do these three things more to stay on track and keep a healthy base this holiday season.


It’s been a while since I shouted from the rooftops about drinking enough water. But seriously, drink enough water! I have a 32-ounce water bottle that I fill and strive to drink at least two of a day. It is NOT a failure if I miss a bottle’s worth or drink barely any in a day. But it is a fail if I ‘give up’ at drinking water because I didn’t hit my goals.
Goals are important but remember, staying positive and always striving for your best is better than perfection. (Perfection is not real and you will only let yourself down. Just be as consistent as possible.)


There is nothing healthier on this earth than vegetables. Every diet needs vegetables in it and the more, the better. Plus they are full of water and if you didn’t get it from my first paragraph, we all need more water!

Rest More

It is so important to rest in this life. This means as much sleep as you can get each night (I advise as I am up working late, LOL.) Also, if you need a minute to step away and take a deep breath, take it. Need a walk around the block, do it.
Don’t give up! One mistep is not a fail. An extra indulgent meal (or a few of them plus dessert,) do not make you instantly unhealthy and it’s ok to have grace with yourself. In fact, you must! Just do the best you can to make the most healthy decisions each day, and never stop striving for wellness! Happy Holiday season!

2 responses to “Do These Three Things More To Stay Healthy During The Holidays”

  1. Lovely post Emily, thank you.

    1. Thank you Alice!

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